



每学期, the Berry 雇主参与小组 regularly hosts and coordinates a myriad of engagement opportunities for employers who are interested in meeting and interacting with Berry students. Below are the four primary ways that interested employers can connect with our amazing young professionals at 银河电子游戏网址平台大学:


大多数招聘都是从 握手. Create a free account or log-in to register for upcoming events and connect with students.


We have had great success with our live virtual webinars and the ability to connect remotely is more important now than ever. We advertise and support virtual events and sessions in the same manner as our on-campus presentations to bring you as much student interaction as possible.


我们有很好的选择,以更个性化的方式接触我们的学生, 所有这些都很容易安排. 与雇主参与团队联系,了解更多关于这些选项的信息. 我们将处理您的校园访问的所有细节, 包括对学生进行广泛的定向营销, 学术部门和学生组织, 还有房间预订, 餐饮及在线排班.

Consider a 30-minute session to share basic information on your organization or program. 在正式演讲之后, 学生可以在个人的基础上与你的演讲者建立联系. This abbreviated informational session gives students more flexibility with their schedules and employers still get the great interactions they are seeking with multiple students.

许多组织和项目使用这个平台, especially if they are new to Berry and want to build brand recognition among students. 桌子放在我们的克兰纳特学生中心, 我们的学生活动和餐饮中心, 你将在哪里与你想要认识的学生联系.

Setting up an interview day provides easy access to our students and is often the first step before extending an office invitation to candidates for additional consideration. Full-day or half-day options with either pre-screened or open sign-up are available. 我们将与您的招聘人员一起制定符合您需求的时间表.

Volunteering to participate in mock interview sessions is an excellent way to build brand identity for your organization and provide meaningful support to our students as they prepare for the real opportunity in the near future. You also get to interact with our great students and educate them about your company. Combine a mock interview session with other on campus activities to complete your day.

Berry’s "Employer Insights" series features distinguished guests in their respective career fields as they address the current challenges, responses and opportunities presented at this moment in time in their industry. Our guests also share practical advice and support for navigating the current economic landscape in their field of expertise and can offer general career planning advice to our students. Please note - for fall 2020, most of our Employer Insight panels will be virtual (hosted via Zoom).

Presentations to a specific student club or organization provides an excellent opportunity to present relevant information about a particular topic of interest and information on your company to a targeted group of students with common interests or major affiliations. These sessions typically are offered in the early evening after classroom sessions are completed for the day.

Consider leading a 30-45-minute workshop on a skill-building topic such as "Building Your 个人 Brand" or "Financial Literacy 101.“在你的讲习班结束时, take the last 15 minutes of time for an abbreviated information session to discuss specific opportunities with your organization or program. Combine your workshop with some other activities to have a solid day of on-campus recruiting.

每年, 贝里学院举办了几场博览会式的活动来突出职业, professions or graduate school programs for our students to network and learn. These fairs typically involve setting up an information table and engaging with students directly to meet your next potential hire. Refer to our list of events sponsored by the Center for 个人 and 专业开发elopment Office in 握手.


除了雇主和组织在校园会见我们的学生, Berry is committed to exposing our students to various networking events and site visits off campus. 我们认识到让我们的学生进入工作场所的价值, 亲身体验工作环境,在员工的地盘上与他们见面. The 雇主接触 office will help facilitate and organize these event with other campus partners.

Attend/host a student networking event off-campus, in Atlanta or another central city. 这些活动通常安排在晚上, immediately after the workday and students with similar areas of study or interest are brought in. 学生简历和雇主简历会提前分享. Viking Connections is an excellent way for employers and alumni to meet with multiple students in a professional networking context.

主持小型会议, niche class or group of students in your office for a tour and introduction to your management team is an excellent way to develop your brand and foster greater understanding on the nature of your work/culture to prospective applicants. 这些访问通常持续90分钟至2小时, 但是可以缩写或扩展, 根据需要. Students and faculty can come to your office as a group and their visit will be planned with someone from Berry's 雇主参与小组.

Hosting a student "intern for a day" provides an excellent opportunity for a student to shadow one of your team members in your work environment to learn more about your company and business. It allows various members of your organization to interact with a student throughout the day and gain a greater understanding of their professional abilities, 兴趣和潜力适合你的公司.


查看我们的校历 要考虑的日期和要避免的日期 



