


The eagles were first spotted on the main campus in March 2012 by a Berry student who reported their presence to his professor. It was an unusual time for eagles to nest 和 there has been speculation that they may have had a nest elsewhere possibly lost to a storm.

Eagles have been reported in the vicinity of the campus for the past few years, but the Berry nest is the first documented nest in the modern history of Floyd County.

在夏天, 学院管理人员在停车场安装了一个接近摄像头, 2012年秋天, 老鹰回来了,开始展示筑巢行为. Eggs were produced in late December or early January eggs 和 two eaglets successfully fledged in the spring. 

The college added a camera to the tree (Camera 1) for direct viewing into the nest. 在2013-14赛季, 学院在脸谱网上建立了Berry Eagles主页, 和 the eagles captured national 和 international attention from viewers 和 media outlets. 每天都有数百万观众观看老鹰队的比赛. 2014年,银河电子游戏网址平台在巢树上安装了第三个摄像头(2号摄像头).


银河电子游戏网址平台窝: The nest is located on the main campus of 银河电子游戏网址平台大学 adjacent to the parking lot of the Steven Cage Athletic 和 娱乐 Center 和 is available for viewing. The Cage Center is home to sporting events, concerts 和 other activities. 显然我们的鹰喜欢靠近行动!

性别: 雄鹰体型较小,头部呈光滑的白色. The female eagle is larger with a head of ruffled white feathers. 

受伤: Throughout the years there has been concern about the injury to our female eagle's left foot. She injured it in 2013 和 when she returned to the nest the next year it was more pronounced. 请知道我们的鹰专家和 乔治亚州自然资源部 officials are very vigilant about this issue 和 want to assure everyone that they are taking her health into consideration. 到目前为止, our experts believe that a capture of the female eagle could possibly cause further injury. And during the rehabilitation time, the male eagle could bond with another female. There are many reasons why a capture 和 rehab situation may not be ideal at this point. We will continue to monitor 和 make decisions in the best interest of this very successful bonded pair. Our experts note how well the female eagle has adapted to this injury in being able to hunt, 养活自己, 飞, 照顾并成功地抚养孩子等. 感谢大家的关注,感谢收看.

夜景: Berry is pleased to provide live video feeds of the bald eagle nesting area. The nest cameras use infrared at night that is not visible to the eagles. 看起来你好像看到了一道光,但其实不然. 这棵树在晚上看起来完全黑了.

相机/技术支持: For more info about the types of cameras 和 technical issues click on “nest cam information” beneath the live feed on the 浆果.edu/eaglecam 页面.


的名字: Berry has chosen not to name the eagles because they are wild creatures 和 we do not want to personalize them.


  • 2013年,两个蛋孵化了(B1和B2).) B1和B2分别于4月22日和28日羽化.
  • 2014年,产下了两个蛋,但只有一个(B3)在2月11日孵化. 22. B3于2014年5月22日羽翼丰满.
  • 2015年,1月11日产下蛋. 2月6日和9日孵化. 13和15. B4于2014年5月10日羽化,B5于2015年5月12日羽化.
  • 2016年,1月6日下蛋. 7岁和10岁,2月11日孵化. 14和15. B6和B7分别于2016年5月8日和9日羽化. 
  • 2017年,1月6日下蛋. 3岁和7岁,2月孵化. 11和13.  B8和B9分别于2017年5月5日和5月10日羽化.
  • 2018年,1月6日下蛋. 3岁和6岁,2月孵化. 12和13. 2月. 22, 2018, one of the two eaglets w和ered over to the edge of the nest 和 fell out of the 100-foot-tall pine tree. 它没能在坠落中幸存下来. 剩下的小鹰在5月9日羽翼丰满.
  • 2019年,1月6日下蛋. 8岁和11岁,2月出生. 19和21. 此后不久,小鹰就死去了. 原因尚未确定.
  • 2020年,1月6日下蛋. 11和13. 两个蛋都没孵出来.
  • 2021年,1月6日产下蛋. 1和4. B14于2月11日孵化. 10岁,但于2月1日死于暴露. 11. 2号蛋没有孵化.
  • 在2022年的季节,鸡蛋在12月11日下蛋. 十二月五日及十二日. 8, 2021. B15于1月11日孵化. 13, 2022. 2号蛋没有孵化. B15于2022年4月4日羽翼丰满.

  • 在2023年的季节,鸡蛋在12月11日下蛋. 12月13日及12月13日. 16, 2022. B16于1月6日孵化. 21, 2022. 2号蛋没有孵化. B16于2023年5月21日羽翼丰满.

球场: Before the eagles, Berry officials had planned to build a stadium in the area. Once the eagles arrived, the stadium site was moved to the south.  2014年5月, Berry officials announced that the stadium would be relocated even further south out of respect for the eagles 和 their habitat.

饮食: 鹰喜欢吃鱼、水鸟和松鼠. 鸟巢位于奥斯坦瑙拉河附近,交通便利, 在罗马的贝里湖和花园湖改名为鹰湖, Ga.

帮助: If an eaglet falls out of the nest or any of the eagles become injured, college officials are required to contact authorities regarding the federal rules for h和ling bald eagles. No personnel are permitted in the restricted area during nesting season. Any intervention or care for eagles will be determined by federal authorities.

这是同一只雌鹰吗?: No; the original female eagle got into an altercation with the new female eagle at the end of November 2020, 然后离开了那个地方. 那只新来的雌性现在是常驻的雌性. The original female was most recently spotted by a photographer in mid-December 2020 at Lake Guntersville in Alabama.

这是同一只雄鹰吗?: 根据我们的鹰专家, who have reviewed photos 和 video to look at his appearance 和 behavior, 雄鹰也是如此.

小鹰的数量会重新开始吗,因为这是一只新的雌性?: No; eaglets are traditionally numbered by nest, not by parent.


  • 美国.S. Department of Interior took the American bald eagle off the endangered species list in 2007.
  • The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is a member of the sea 和 fish eagle group.
  • 幼秃鹰是棕色和白色的混合体. 它们在四到五年内完全成熟.
  • The female bald eagle is 35 to 37 inches, slightly larger than the male.
  • 翼展从72到90英寸不等.
  • 秃鹰可以飞到一万英尺的高度. During level flight, they can achieve speeds of about 30 to 35 mph.
  • 秃鹰平均重10到14磅.
  • The eagles’ diet is mainly fish, but they will take advantage of carrion.
  • 狩猎面积从1700英亩到10000英亩不等. 在食物充足的地方,家庭活动范围较小.
  • Because an eagle lives up to 30 years in the wild, it has many years in which to produce offspring.
  • Bald eagles build their nests in large trees near rivers or coasts. 一个典型的巢穴直径约为5英尺. 老鹰经常年复一年地使用同样的方法. Over the years, some nests become enormous, as much as 9 feet in diameter, weighing two tons.
  • 鹰产一到三个蛋. Parenting duties are shared by both male 和 female during the 35 days of incubation, 但是雌鸟大部分时间都呆在巢里.
  • The young birds grow rapidly, adding one pound to their body weight every four or five days. 六周大的小鹰几乎和它们的父母一样大.
  • An eaglet can take its first flight some 10 to 13 weeks after hatching 和 approximately 40 percent of young eagles do not survive it.
  • 所有的鹰都以其出色的视力而闻名.
  • 一旦配对,秃鹰就会一直在一起,直到其中一只死亡.
  • The bald eagle became the national emblem in 1782 when the great seal of the United States was adopted.

来源: www.baldeagleinfo.com 和 www.allaboutbirds.org


(通过Decorah Eagles网站)

  • 对于那些参观鸟巢的人, 还记得, bald eagles are protected by Federal law in the Bald 和 Golden Eagle Protection Act 和 the Migratory Bird Protection Treaty.  
  • Don't honk, play loud music, shout or make any other loud noises.
  • 不喂鹰吗. 这包括把食物留在地上. These birds are wild animals 和 should not become dependent on humans
  • 保持该区域没有垃圾.
  • 如果有鹰在地上,不要靠近它. 此外,当它飞走时,不要试图跟随它.
  • 注意你周围的环境. 如果鹰靠近道路,在移动前检查交通状况.
  • 无论何时去鸟巢,都要带上望远镜和/或相机. 那台设备能给你提供最好的视野.


